international internship in germany
the Year of your life by GlobalCastle
bring up your skills
Dive into the excitement of camp life, journey alongside incredible young minds, and immerse yourself in an international team dynamic. Explore the thrill of teaching English while making unforgettable memories with fellow youth enthusiasts. Your next great adventure starts here!
A year for you...
- surmounting challenges and collecting life experience
- learning by doing: Give yourself a chance to try out your skills and passions
- intense mentoring and company by our teamers
- experiencing personal and spiritual growth and strenghten your relationship with god
- taking the adventure of living together and learning about and with each others
- finding a home in the Bavarian CVJM-movement
A year for others...
- doing creative Teamwork to continue developing the project
- personal exchange with your Team and around 1000 young people
- Working on our castle and supporting the team
- creating a fun program for the camps and connecting with the participants
- teaching english playfully in your pesonal way and through your individual skills
- serving others with a living faith in Jesus in the center
- inviting others to a life with Jesus by sharing your experiences
We offer 7 international positions and one German-speaking position.

General conditions:
Your voluntary year will be taking place for one year: from october to the end of august
You will be working on our CVJM-castle „Wernfels“ in a village called Wernfels, too. It takes place near the franconian lake district (Bavaria/ near Nürnberg). Also you will enter the adventure of sharing a flat and living in community with the other 7 young volunteers there.
What about the work setting?
During the year you will be participating in 12 one-week language camps. In the camp-free time your tasks will be preparing, developing and inviting people to the project together with the team. You will have 25 obligatory seminiary days during your year in Germany and furthermore 30 vacation days to take in order to get some rest and get to know the country.
What about the rest of the year?
The time between the camps and before the first camp starts will be for camp preparation, advertising, and teambuilding. So we’re in charge of some Christian youth groups, some regular school programs, English lessons in the schools… We’re also going to support the YMCA during bigger events. Additionally, you will have around 30 seminar days for the incoming in Germany, your role as a volunteer, culture… And you will have 27,5 days off during the year. As you can see this year is very diverse and you can be excited.
What about the financial issues?
The YMCA Bavaria will cover the flight costs as well as acommodation. For your personal use and your food you will recieve a „pocket money“ round about 450€ monthly.
Who can apply?
If you are an english native speaker or have a very safe handling of the language, are aged between 18 and 26 and have a heart for serving young people with a Jesus-centered motivation you might be just right for the “GlobalCastle”-project!